Monday, November 24, 2014

On ST. AUGUSTINE'S Leadership

“Great leaders don’t grouse, they act!” - Chris Lowney, why he leads the way he leads.

St. Augustine
You have often learned that all our hope is in Christ and that he is our true glory and our salvation. You are members of the flock of the Good Shepherd, who watches over Israel and nourishes his people. Yet there are shepherds who want to have the title of shepherd without wanting to fulfill a pastor’s duties; let us then recall what God says to his shepherds through the prophet. You must listen attentively; I must listen with fear and trembling.
The word of the Lord came to me and said: Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel and speak to the shepherds of Israel. We just heard this reading a moment ago, my brothers, and I have decided to speak to you on this passage. The Lord will help me to speak the truth if I do not speak on my own authority. For if I speak on my own authority, I will be a shepherd nourishing myself and not the sheep. However, if my words are the Lord’s, then he is nourishing you no matter who speaks. Thus says the Lord God: Shepherds of Israel, who have been nourishing only themselves! Should not the shepherds nourish the sheep? In other words, true shepherds take care of their sheep, not themselves. This is the principle reason why God condemns those shepherds: they took care of themselves rather than their sheep. Who are they who nourish themselves? They are the shepherds the Apostle described when he said: They all seek what is theirs and not what is Christ’s.
I must distinguish carefully between two aspects of the role the lord has given me, a role that demands a rigorous accountability, a role based on the Lord’s greatness rather than on my own merit. The first aspect is that I am a Christian; the second, that I am a leader. I am a Christian for my own sake, whereas I am a leader for your sake; the fact that I am a Christian is to my own advantage, but I am a leader for your advantage.
Many persons come to God as Christians but not as leaders. Perhaps they travel by an easier road and are less hindered since they bear a lighter burden. In addition to the fact that I am a Christian and must give God an account of my life, I as a leader must give him an account of my stewardship as well. (from his book, CONFESSIONS)

            Augustine, being a great leader to his flock I can really appreciate the discipline he had for his constituents within the household. At the same house and table together with him the clergy were regularly fed and clothed at the common expense. That no one might informally utter a word and thus fall into blame, he preached to the people in the church and instructed the members of his own household that no one should utter an oath—not even at the table. The faults of omission and commission of which, in spite of this rule, his brethren were guilty, he duly and properly censured or tolerated them as far as was fitting and necessary; in such cases particularly teaching that no one should incline his heart to evil words or to make excuses in sins. And when anyone offered his gift at the altar and there remembered that his brother had aught against him, he should leave his offering at the altar and go to be reconciled to his brother and then come and offer his gift at the altar. But if he had anything against his brother, he should rebuke him in secret, and if he heard him he had gained his brother, but if not, he should take with him one or two others. If he held them also in contempt he should be brought before the Church. This also he added, that if a brother offend and ask forgiveness, not seven times, but seventy times seven times, the offence should be forgiven him, even as each one daily asks of the Lord that his own sins be forgiven. If given the chance to be with him for even just a short period of time I would be glad because I can myself as a very passionate man inasmuch as my boss is so passionate as well. I will probably lean many things from him that is very useful with this formation I have today. I maybe acquire the possible ideal character of a seminarian as his follower. Such is just one way on how he manifests his leadership as a bishop. 


  1. hi jay! thank you for featuring St. Augustine,,i actually enjoy reading your post because Augustine is also one of my most favored saint of all times. . . thanks for the info about him,,more powers!

    1. thank you classmate for sharing your thought via comment! i hope you will still enjoy the next post... God bless!

  2. maybe next time i would like to suggest that you post another saint again,,if it is okay to you! and maybe the life of st, Francis our dear pope!

  3. thank you for your suggestion gai!hihihi,, i hope the next time i'll post another entry you'll still be the first to comment,,salamat! and i wont promise but i'll try to post an entry about pope francis. . .
