Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jesus Christ: The Judaeo-Christian Influence

Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew and his God was the God of the Hebrew Scriptures. He grew up in Galilee and the religious tradition in which he was educated was that of Judaism. That is why it is inevitable for us not to acknowledge the Jews because Jesus himself was a Jew. We are not to make troubles with the Jews because whether we accept it or not, Jesus himself was a Jew. As I was reading the “pastoral orientation” part I agree with St. John Paul’s idea which is to go hand in hand with the Jews for a better humanity not by promoting division against each other rather than chaos. Thereby, we are to recognize that the God whom we worship and pray is the God of the Jewish religious tradition.

In the course of reading the suggested paragraphs, I came to realize that Christians and Jews are but one, thus we don’t need for a more complicated understanding of where we want to be which results to a greater division. I mean here, ‘’no more anti-christians, no more anti-jewish”. This is all what I want as a reaction, we are all love by God whom we are worshipping and praying to. Thus, we are but equal in his eyes! This community of ours whether Christian or Jewish tradition came into being through the experience of God and that these experiences were preserved in stories. When these stories came to be written down each new generation interprets the written stories in the light of its own situation and its own experiences that is why today Christians and Jews are not so closely related with each other even though we are worshipping the same God because of our varied interpretations. However, God continues to be present with each generation whether Christian or Jew.  The content and character of my faith comes to me in various ways from this community (Christian Community) from its Scriptures; from the way these Scriptures have been understood, interpreted, preached and discussed through the centuries from the past practices of prayer and devotion I have learned. That is why the “celebration of the Passover Meal” reminded me of how our celebration of the Holy Eucharist came in, which is very Jewish in its culture. I acknowledge the Jews simply by guiding as how we are to live a life of faith by means of visible signs to an invisible reality. I have learned through this course in which I am very thankful, the public worship which was handed down to us by the Jews in which we can never have our present without our past. I have found in this Judaeo-Christian community to be one which, despite its inevitable human weakness, nevertheless, in general promotes LIFE, HOPE and JOY!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

POPE FRANCIS: Sharing Christ's Love, Peace, Joy, Mercy and Compassion to the Filipino People

all I have is yours and all you have is mine. . . I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep those you have given me true to your name, so they may be one like us.”-John 17:10-1
            Jesus’ whole being is perpetual seeing of the Father. Jesus’ life and works are an uninterrupted contemplation of His Father.
            The coming of the Holy Father Francis to our native land is a great privilege for us all. He is going to be with us to bring Christ in us. Our lives as a Filipino citizen is destined to become like the life of Jesus especially as Catholics. Pope Francis’ visit here is to bring and unite us to the house of God and to lead us into the intimacy of God’s divine life. The pope will come here so that we may be led to the full truth of the divine life. Truth here does not mean an idea, concept or doctrine, but rather the true relationship with God in communion with the faithful especially the excluded and marginalized citizens. To be led into the truth is to be led into the same relationship that Jesus has with the Father. Together as we all get excited with his visit let us not also forget the true message of Pope Francis upon coming here.
            Filipinos are known to be religious, and as we enter into this spiritual life we are precisely the ones who were sent into the world to continue and fulfil the work that Jesus began. Indeed, living a spiritual life requires a change of heart, a conversion. Such conversion may be marked by a sudden inner change, or it can take place through a long, quiet process of transformation. But it always involves an inner oneness with all the Filipinos. We realize that we are in the center and that from there all that is and all that takes place can be seen and understood as part of the mystery of God’s life with us, so let us not lose hope with our country. Our conflicts and pains, our tasks and promises, our families and friends, our activities and projects, our hopes and aspirations no longer appear to us as a fatiguing variety of things which we can barely keep together, but rather as affirmations and revelations of the new life in us with our pope. Together with our Holy Father, we’ll journey!

            Pope Francis comes here to bring the message of Christ, to share Christ’s joy in the Philippines to the full. He comes here to be one with him in the call for conversion to truth, for God’s word is the ultimate Truth. God has consecrated the life of Pope Francis to lead us to truth, oneness, charity, hope and love. Poverty, pain, struggle, anguish, agony and even inner darkness may continue to be a part of our experience. They may even be God’s way of purifying us. But life is no longer boring, resentful, depressing or lonely because we have come to know that everything that happens is part of our way to the house of the Father. So I say, his visit is a one-of-a-kind event here in our country, let’s cherish and treasure it!

Is Virtual Community Real Community?

       During the advent of the online world, distinctions between a real and a virtual community had emerged. However, only those people who are concerned with the distinction are the people who knew what social media is all about, nonetheless, they don’t care. They are so much concerned about what is real and what is not. In one of the past days, as I read an article about virtual and physical world it was not any more concerned about what is real and what is not rather they were much concerned with how online activities help develop communities and that what makes it real. Believing that virtual community is real can make things more possible by way of giving solutions to problem which are not solved by real communities, the Church for example. Building communities by way of online networking can really create communities but my question is, can we really have the complete encounter with those people whom we met in the internet? Do we really have the glance of their whole being? I don’t agree with the article inasmuch as virtual world can’t compare to a physical world. Why? It is because in a physical world “PHYSICAL PRESENCE” is a GIFT!
            Physical presence can make us complete in a sense that when we see physically the person whom we consider as our inmost friend we gain confidence and we feel comfortable. During meetings and informal gatherings it is quite very soothing to be in companion with our circle of members while looking at their faces. Although there are really some unresolved problems in the physical world which the virtual world can offer solutions, still physical presence makes our experience complete. Just as what the Father did to His son who came down from heaven and was incarnated to be in union with us. Jesus came down from heaven to share with our humanity. The more we see the physical presence of a person the more we get to know him and the more we get ignited with him. It is a mystery that whenever we are in front or in contact with a person physically we feel something complete and satisfied. Unlike in a virtual world it is like just something that we can see, hear and talk to. For me, touching lives of others is only possible when we touch their hands physically. In other words, touching people, changing lives.

            Haven’t you come to think that what if one day our internet connections will all be lost and we have nothing to do with such? All things here on earth are just finite, that is why I come up with a question like that. Now, if things are finite it is but close to the possibility that online world will vanish. Who knows in the future, with the abuses and all the misuse of the internet it might happen. And if really time will come that our connections will be lost, how will we do with our virtual communities? Can it still survive? Without electricity? Can we still depend on such? I think, it is still debatable but my point is that, I can accept that virtual world can’t be as real as the physical world. Virtual world is a real world, however, it is a world which is digital and ephemeral.

Monday, January 5, 2015

A Simple Encounter with GOD

It was a fine Sunday morning when we went to Bohol District Jail for our weekly apostolate. On that day the Holy Spirit had given me the chance to talk to one of the inmates there. A man of long hair, with a long beard called my attention and invited me to sit on the corridor and we started talking. In the course of our conversation he said that he was frustrated and disappointed for his case was open delayed and worst may even be denied. He was in the jail for almost 15 solid years, neither granted a bail nor pardoned. He even confessed that he was regularly attending the Sunday mass inside the prison and even sincerely prayed the Holy Rosary as much as he could. He often visit the chapel as well where he spares his private prayers. Yet he questioned God, why isn’t it that he was not pardoned while others even just served the jail for just a shorter period of time were granted. Isn’t it unfair? Such were questions of a thirsty man who thirsts for God’s mercy and compassion.

encountering God in the Eucharist. . .
With a confused mind, I answered with the grace of the Spirit, I said; ‘’ I don’t believe that God will not grant our prayers, it is because He has 3 options for us: YES, NOT RIGHT NOW AND I HAVE SOMETHING BETTER FOR YOU. JUST BE PATIENT’’. I simply added, ‘’ disappointments and frustrations are just God’s ways of saying I got something better for you my son’’. Don’t be totally worried about everything that is going around you because if you really trust His Divine Providence, it is HIS job! Not ours. Then we both walked together to the chapel for the mass was about to start.